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German LNG Terminal Begins EPC Prequalification Process

LNG Global • June 20, 2019
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German LNG Terminal GmbH, the joint venture behind the LNG terminal project in Brunsbuettel, Northern Germany, announced the start of EPC prequalification process yesterday.

Potential EPC contractors with interest to participate in the project on or before 1 st July 2019 will receive a prequalification package. Binding (lump-sum) offers will have to be prepared and submitted by pre-qualified bidders between August and October 2019. The winning bidder(s) will be announced during the first quarter of 2020, followed by the release of an early (or limited) notice to proceed to commence scheduled early activities.

German LNG Terminal GmbH is a joint venture of Dutch companies Vopak and Gasunie as well as German company Oiltanking, part of Marquard & Bahls AG. The joint venture plans to build, own and independently operate a combined import and distribution LNG terminal in Brunsbuettel, Northern Germany.

The winning EPC entity (party, or JV or consortium) can expect to receive a full notice to proceed some 6 months after ENTP, and will have approximately 3 years from ENTP to complete the base scope terminal, inclusive site preparation, waterfront with new jetty, LNG storage and all normal process equipment and supporting infrastructure for an LNG terminal.

Contact German LNG Terminal GmbH

Expected Terminal Characteristics. LNG import & Distribution Terminal

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