Shell announced yesterday Europe’s first inland-waterway LNG bunker vessel has performed her first bunkering operations, with the Containerships Polar and Containerships Nord vessels, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
The LNG London (which is owned by LNG Shipping – a cooperation between Victrol and Sogestran) is on long-term charter to Shell. It will primarily be used by Shell for LNG bunkering in the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp.
“The entry into service of LNG London shows our ability and commitment to providing safe and reliable supplies that help meet the growing need for cleaner-burning fuel,” Tahir Faruqui, General Manager, Shell Global Downstream LNG, said. “We are pleased to have three LNG bunker vessels in our fleet and look forward to others joining them in the future.”
LNG London will be loaded with LNG at the Gate terminal in Rotterdam. LNG London is 110 meters long and 15 meters wide, with a cargo capacity of 3,000 cubic meters of LNG. The LNG is transported in four vacuum tanks covered by a top-deck to protect them.
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