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Next Steps for Joint EU Gas Purchasing: Strengthening Energy Security and Competitiveness

June 9, 2023

Vice-President Šefčovič today shared updates on the progress and future plans for the joint European Union (EU) purchasing of gas. As the chair of the Steering Board of the Energy Platform, Šefčovič highlighted the achievements of the EU Energy Platform and its contribution to enhancing energy security and competitiveness within the EU.

Vice-President Šefčovič began by sharing positive news regarding the implementation of the EU Energy Platform. The platform, which facilitates joint gas purchasing, has yielded concrete results with the signing of the first contracts. These initial successes provide confidence that more deals will follow, as several contracts are currently being negotiated following the first matching process conducted on the platform.

Šefčovič revealed that the European Commission is preparing to launch the second round of joint gas purchasing under the EU Energy Platform. Starting from Monday, June 26, European companies will be able to submit their gas demand for aggregation. Suppliers will then have the opportunity to submit bids for the aggregated demand from Friday, July 7, to Monday, July 10. The matching results are expected to be published during the same week.

Improvements have been made to enhance industry participation and the effectiveness of joint purchasing. Prospective buyers will now be able to submit their gas demand for delivery between August 2023 and March 2025, covering the entire gas year. This expanded timeframe aims to accommodate the purchasing patterns of energy-intensive industries that require gas over longer periods.

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