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TransCanada Cameron Access Project in Service

info • March 15, 2018

TransCanada announced this week their Cameron Access project has been placed into service in Southwest Louisiana.

Cameron Access involved improvements to existing pipeline, construction of a new compressor station and the addition of 27 miles of 36-inch diameter greenfield pipeline. With a cost of approximately US$300 million, the pipeline is capable of transporting 800,000 dekatherms a day to the Cameron LNG export facility. The Cameron LNG export facility is currently under construction and scheduled to go into service at the end of 2019.

"The completion of Cameron Access creates significant value for our customers by providing additional connectivity for their domestically produced natural gas to the high-value U.S. Gulf Coast LNG export market," said Stanley Chapman III, TransCanada's Executive Vice President and President, U.S. Natural Gas Pipelines. "Additionally, LNG export projects such as Cameron Access will help reduce global carbon emissions by allowing emerging markets to displace coal-fired power generation with clean-burning natural gas."

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